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Kylie’s national postal voice

INGLEWOOD Post Office licensee Kylie Carter has been appointed to the Australia Post National Licensee Representative Council.
Kylie’s passion for community and supporting local businesses prompted her to nominate herself for a position on the council last December. She also received a recommendation from staff at Australia Post supporting her application. 
While awaiting a response Kylie was invited to attend a council meeting and experience how the council operates. During the meeting she shared her views on various issues discussed and demonstrated her passion for the role. 
In late December Kylie was offered a two-year position on the council, which she is “super stoked about”. Positions on the council are offered for either one or two years and Kylie is very grateful for the opportunity to serve two years. 
“I think it’s so important to have people from areas like Inglewood on the council, we have a completely different experience compared to a metro area.” Kylie said. 
“The council is a very diverse group of people, there are people who own one post office, others who own many and everyone is from different areas.”
The council provides Kylie the opportunity to bring feedback from the community and other post office owners to Australia Post and work with them to make life better for everyone. 
In addition to her experiences in Inglewood, Kylie also meets with other LPOs from the Bendigo area once a month which gives them the opportunity to share any issues with Kylie for her to present in the next council meeting. 
“It’s all about helping each other out where we can.” She said, “Bendigo post offices have a completely different experience to what I have had so it’s great to be able to give them a voice too.”
Australia Post has reformatted their representative council and moved away from the previous metropolitan-based set up. This change is something Kylie is excited about, “being appointed to the council is such a positive step for regional representation, especially for small country towns like Inglewood, it’s so important that they have a voice.” 
Recently the post office staff has expanded with the addition of Tom Nesbit, who was previously at the Wedderburn post office.  “We’re so pleased to have Tom join us. The time has worked out well and the post office will be able to open while I’m away for the meetings.”
The council meets in person four times a year with with the first meeting later this month.

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