EAST Loddon district girls will still have the opportunity to “express themselves and have fun” with secondary school students stepping up to organise a debutante ball.
Emma Hay and Lyss Mulder have already booked the venue and appointed a debutante set trainer for the ball on July 27.
They will be among 12 debutantes at the new-look ball after East Loddon P12 College last year decided to stop running the major social event.
“It’s important for us to experience something so memorable as making our debut ... we have had older siblings and cousins make their debut and it’s a really good experience,” said Lyss.
“Everyone should have the chance of doing their deb as a way of expressing themselves and having fun.”
Emma said the student-led initiative had already received good support from parents and some college teachers.
“We put out the idea to students and when we found out a fair few want to make their deb, we decided to go ahead,” said Emma a student in Year 10 this year.
“The school didn’t have the facilities and time in its schedule so we asked around and found a fair few girls wanted to still do the deb,” said Lyss, also in Year 10.
The girls spent much of December making early plans for the ball in Serpentine Memorial Hall. Rehearsals under trainer Lauren Hicks will start next month.
Emma and Lyss said they wanted to expand the number of community helpers to organise a memorial hall for debutantes.
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Debs ‘save’ their big night
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Organising their own debutante ball ... Lyss Mulder and Emma Hay outside Serpentine Memorial Hall. LH PHOTO
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