Large crowd attends anniversary book launch
1 min read

MORE than 150 years of Wycheproof and surrounds’ history has been encapsulated by Alan ‘Prof’ Milburn. 
Alan’s book, ‘Wycheproof and District the Way it Was’ was launched on the 150th anniversary of the founding of Wycheproof and celebrates the long history by preserving the towns past in physical form. 
The book launch on Sunday garnered a crowd of over 100 people, who came to purchase the book and listen to Prof speak about how the book came to be. With assistance from the Wycheproof and District Historical Society and Ken Arnold, the paperback includes parish maps, historical photographs and advertisements, documenting the history of the area, as well as businesses, houses, schools and institutions. 
Accompanying the book launch, the local museum opened its doors to the public to view artifacts curated over the years including the the Wycheproof Shire volunteers autographed flag, containing the signatures of World War 1 soldiers

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