Local touch wins public art voting

PYRAMID Hill Art Show patrons have “voted local” for the Major’s Vision people’s choice awards.
An estimated 700 people viewed a record 300 entries in the third annual show that closed last Thursday in the town’s memorial hall.
Newbridge artist Teresa Siesmaa, a winner in the show’s landscape, seascape, urbanscape section, saw another work Kalbarri Rapsody share the popular vote award with Harold Beck’s painting of Inglewood’s historic  Nimmitabel, titled Inglewood Mansion - the Past Restored.
A show organiser Terry Wood said attendance had been amazing this year.
“Visitors came from a wide area of Victoria and interstate. Melbourne, Geelong, Castlemaine, Bendigo, Swan Hill, Echuca, Denilquin, Merimbula and other places. 
“We even had 40 people travelled by train one day and this is an area that can be expanded with a bit more promotion. This year’s Art show was double last year and has grown amazingly since our first one staged three years ago. 
“We have already commenced planning next years event ,and hope for it to be even more successful based on this year’s outcome,” he said.

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