Stirring voices have Handel on The Messiah

THE uplifting strains of Handel’s famous oratorio The Messiah reverberated around a packed Inglewood Town Hall on Sunday.
Loddon residents were joined by enthusiasts who had travelled from Melbourne with musical scores of the work tucked under their arms.
More than 60 choristers and musicians from Heidelberg Choral Society gave the 35th performance of The Messiah in the group’s 100-year history.
Dunolly Gilbert and Sullivan Society’s Rachel Buckley co-ordinated the Inglewood performance and said she was delighted with the full house.
“It was a wonderful performance in a beautiful old town hall. The audience loved it and we enjoyed singing,” she said after the final applause had faded.
Rachel said the Lyster Opera Company would also perform in Inglewood early next year.
“Sunday’s presentation of The Messiah shows people love to come here,” she said.

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