YEAR 12 students from Bendigo Senior Secondary College have sown the seeds for a major tree-planting program planned at Lake Boort next summer.
The vocational major subject students have assisted with a seeding program at Boort’s Yung Balug Keeping Place Museum.
Custodian of the keeping place, Paul Haw, said one of their main roles was to sow 4000 red gums seeds and the students had been enthusiastic participants as thousands of seeds were given their start.
“On the day they learnt how to collect seed, how to identify most eucalypts, learning the principles of sowing the delicate seed.
“The students hope to be involved with the planting of the trees in Lake Boort this coming summer as the water in Lake Boort recedes with ecologist Damien Cook is overseeing the project.”
Teacher Sue Pickles said: “The students really enjoyed the day, especially sowing the seeds and knowing that some of the trees could live to be 1000 years old”.

BREAKING: Man rescued after falling from bridge into Loddon River
A MAN has tonight been dramatically rescued from the Loddon River at Bridgewater