Duck hunters have supporter in Haylett
1 min read

OPPOSITION to plans to ban duck hunting in Victoria has emerged inside the State Government.
Ripon MP Martha Haylett is among Labor members pushing to retain recreational hunting despite a Legislative Council inquiry recommending its immediate abolition.
“I am and have always been a strong supporter of recreational duck hunting in Victoria,” Ms Haylett said.
“I appreciate that there are differing views on the matter but at the end of the day, I will always support country Victorians’ right to choose to recreationally hunt ducks sustainably into the future.”
According to Ms Haylett, there is still strong support internally in the Victorian Labor caucus for retaining peoples’ right to recreationally hunt ducks in Victoria.
“I have outlined my position directly to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation (Sonya Kilkenny), as well as my colleagues in the Victorian Government,” she said.
“I will continue to advocate for recreational hunting to be sustained in Victoria.”
The inquiry committee, which included Greens and Animal Justice Party, wants Victoria’s annual duck hunting season banned.
The Government has six months to respond to inquiry recommendations and is facing pressure from some unions to reject the ban bid.
More than 10,000 submissions were received to the inquiry, including Loddon Shire which supports the duck hunting season on economic and mental health grounds.
Research last week showed there were 2220 games hunters in the Ripon electorate that includes Wedderburn, Inglewood and Bridgewater. 
Ms Haylett won the seat last November with a margin of 1268 votes.
Victoria’s duck hunting season this year was five weeks, compared with nine weeks before the COVID years.

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