Ecologists map VNI West route flora, fauna

TEAMS of Transmission Company Victoria ecologists are mapping flora and fauna in the VNI West transmission line corridor.
Ecologists are into the third week of research to “support the work underway to find the best location for the VNI West line with the least impact on farms, the environment and local communities”.
According to TCV: “A small team of ecologists will be stopping frequently on local roads to assess, walk around and photograph the vegetation.
“The site investigations will continue for several months, requiring visits to multiple locations as specialists document vegetation classifications, assess their conditions, and explore the potential presence of specific flora and fauna. 
“The purpose of these surveys is to understand the current conditions within the corridor.”
TCV says it wants access to a small number of private properties within the draft corridor to conduct environmental field surveys for this initial phase of environmental studies.
However, TCV had not responded by Tuesday to Loddon Herald inquiries on the number of properties to be accesssed.

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