History of peoples and land
1 min read

EUROPEAN settlers in the 19th century had applied western concepts to land use in the Loddon, according to researcher Jennifer Jones.
The associate professor in interdisciplinary studies and history program co-ordinator at La Trobe University has told a Pyramid Hill Historical Society gathering that had been seen as an opportunity to profit.
Dr Jones said land use for profit was particularly evident with mining around Bendigo.
She told the audience that her research on movement of indigenous people across the Loddon Plains following the gold rush and land settlement would form a chapter in a new book.
Research had included a re-examination of the natural development of rural places and how western land use concepts differed to those of indigenous people.
However, Dr Jones said land use should not be judged retrospectively. instead looking at how settler management adapted land use.
Dr Jones said indigenous people who moved had been “traditional people keeping their beliefs alive” and preserving their attachment to the land.
During the afternoon, geologist Rob Boucher spoke on the formation of Pyramid Hill, the Terricks Ridge and Kow Swamp.
Dr Boucher also discussed the use of rocks quarried in the Pyramid Hill district in buildings, roads and railway line construction.
He also referenced rocks collected by Boort’s Paul Haw in discussing the local landscape.
Meanwhile, society president Allan Mann said his committee was in the early stages of building a facility to hold the many tractors and a large collection of farm machinery in its possession, as well as old quarry machinery. 
Mr Mann said the society was preparing grant applications for the project.
“A museum needs more than a static display. To bring life into a museum it needs active displays,” he said. 
“The Ruston Hornsby engine from the butter factory generating electricity as it used to, telephone exchanges talking to each other as they used to, overhead shearing machines, to name a few,” said Mr Mann.
