Readers’ thoughts on rubbish dumping and helmets
2 min read

Jacqui McNicol wrote: Someone Has left two large black garbage bags on the side of the road almost opposite Dunolly tip road. Been there the past two mornings.
Tracy Long wrote: Maybe if the red bins went back to a bigger size and recycle bins were emptied weekly there would be less dumping. the price of a tip trip is ridiculous. I’m glad for the tip vouchers, they are definitely handy for people who own their houses. I’m guessing it costs more to clean up the dumped rubbish than to recycle weekly! Just my opinion.
Mick Korong wrote: Someone he’s dumped a heap of crap on the highway in Kurting in the last day or so. Absolutely disturbing. Need absolute proof before they can be touched. What’s the point of having rules and regulations when there’s no consequences for their actions? Why do we pay authorities if they don’t act? Why have fines and a legal system when there is no justice?
Monique Ward wrote: I did ring. I rang the EPA. they told me to ring Vicroads. VicRoads told me to ring shire. Shire told me to ring EPA. In the finish the Lions club cleaned it up. What is the point of ringing?
Mick Coleman wrote: I wonder if a specialised area like a tip was provided where you could drop stuff off free of charge without red tape or restrictions if then we wouldn’t see much dumping. Cost of living is still rising.
Peter Davis wrote: Mick Coleman, that’s why it’s dumped. If you get caught the fine is cheaper than the tip rates so it’s good economics.
Billy Moody wrote: User pays society . You buy a mattress or TV for a considerable amount of money but complain about disposal of it . Tip fees in this shire haven’t risen in the past year. Dumping just punishes every ratepayer.  I mean, someone has to clean it up. Everyone in the shire is entitled to tip vouchers even renters. Just contact the works department of the shire.
Peter Davis wrote: That’s good I feel safer in my home knowing this will stop home invasions. 
Peter Bell wrote: Peter Davis, might just save a life of a young person who ride their bikes without a helmet.

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