Women’s health: Denise puts smile in focus
2 min read

DENISE Caulfield is the Loddon face of Women’s Health Week this year.
The Wedderburn woman is sharing her story as local residents are encouraged to “grow your knowledge” supporting women to make informed decisions about their health 
Denise,  78,  is always keeping herself busy with a wide range of hobbies and on stage in the local theatre group.
But two years ago, during Easter, Denise’s health took an unexpected turn. 
She began experiencing persistent headaches and felt something wasn’t right. 
Concerned about her symptoms, Denise visited a general practitioner who provided her reassurance. 
However, it was her daughter who kept noticing that something wasn’t quite right and encouraged her to seek a second opinion.
And from that appointment, Denise was sent straight to Melbourne for surgery that left her with 35 staples across her head. 
Denise says she considers herself fortunate, acknowledging that it was her daughter’s intuition that ultimately saved the day.
Though she faces ongoing challenges in accepting what she can’t do, Denise remains determined to make progress with an unwaveringly positive outlook.
Denise has had support from Inglewood and Districts Health Service strength trainer Karen McCrann-Peters. 
It began with water aerobics classes, which Denise says she embraced wholeheartedly and has faithfully attended twice a week ever since. 
But it doesn’t stop there. Denise said she discovered that strength training was not only beneficial, but also enjoyable!
She considers her fellow attendees as an extended family, relishing the social connections that have blossomed within the group.  Beyond the joy of companionship, Denise has witnessed improvements in her balance over the course of 16 months.
Denise puts that down to commitment to strength training which has kept her accountable and fit.
From her journey, one invaluable advice she would give to other is: “If something doesn’t feel right, get a second opinion.”
“Health is sometimes taken for granted until it’s too late. So, let’s make a promise to ourselves and prioritise self-care and make regular health checks a non-negotiable part of our lives.”
Women gathered in Inglewood on Tuesday for a morning tea marking Women’s Health Week.

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