Hospital’s Workcover premium doubles
1 min read

THE Workcover premium paid by Inglewood and Districts Health Service has more than doubled.
Figures released by the Victorian Coalition last week put the 2023-2024 premium at $138,516, up 102 per cent on the previous year. The hike is one of the largest across Victoria’s 77 health services.
Boort District Health’s Workcover premium jump-ed 42 per cent to $105,000.
Nationals leader and Murray Plains MP Peter Walsh said the two Loddon health services had been dealt a “severe financial blow” by exploding WorkCover premiums. Mr Walsh says hospitals have been under enormous pressure having to find the additional money on top of increased costs, the threat of amalgamations and budget cuts.
“And now to have had another blow to their finances must be overwhelming for management teams – and it will certainly impact on patient care,” Mr Walsh said.
“These frightening figures have been revealed as part of analysis of health service annual reports collectively dumped last week in the Victorian Parliament, detailing hospitals across Victoria have paid more than $252 million in WorkCover premiums in 2023-24.”

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