Letter to the editor- Still an advocate
2 min read

Sir, I was surprised to see your article (Sitting in the shadows, Loddon Herald, January 16). I was not expecting to appear in your publication months after the end of my term. I’m not sure why you have been so interested in my Facebook page or why it was portrayed so negatively that I advocate for my community. 
To clarify, Facebook do not allow name changes within certain time frames. Therefore, my page is still Linda Jungwirth, Tarnagulla Ward. I am still Linda Jungwirth and I do advocate for Tarnagulla Ward.
I advocated strongly for the area before I was in council, during my term, and will continue to advocate for the place I love and in which I live. 
I was also on most committees in town. I’ve always been passionate about community driven results and achieving to the highest level possible. Another example, as a member of the Tarnagulla Primary School Parents and friends, together with other members, we managed to raise $16,000 for the school in one year. I am currently pursuing more opportunities to continue to contribute to my community.  Your article talks about another former councillor and I “clashing with colleagues”.  We were councillors tasked with decision making which is what we did. I voted in accordance with the information I received from my community. That was my role and my obligation under the Local Government Act. I acted with integrity throughout my term. If others made different decisions, I can only assume they also voted in a way they felt was right. Surely you’re not suggesting I should have voted according to my male colleagues’ wishes to avoid clashing.
As for the water buy backs, I’m frankly sick of you raising the issue. I have addressed this time and again, including at your candidate’s forum. I felt my briefing on the buybacks was inadequate to make an informed decision. I knew others in the room were better qualified to decide. I did not refuse to back opposition to the buy backs as you have reported. I abstained from voting under the circumstances. Besides, water buybacks are not even a council issue. I have always supported farmers. They are the backbone of Loddon Shire and the shire would not survive without them.
Linda Jungwirth

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